Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm still here

Yes, I'm still here and I'm still turning. I've just been busy with other things and haven't been able to spend as much time in the shop as I wouli like. However, this last week I have been able to spend a few minutes out there. I have been working on an idea that a friend gave me to solve a problem.

When I go to arts and craft shows to sell my things, I have to explain to people that I actually turn them. Most people don't belive it and think I buy this stuff wholesale somewhere. (Although where you could buy a peppermill with an antique bath faucet top, I'm not sure.) It is also hard for me to do demos since I don't have a small portable lathe. The one in my shop is too big to transport and runs on 220v. Plus, it gets a little messy. How to solve this.
A friend pointed out that I should video myself turning, edit it on the computer, and put it on a computer or tv screen where I am selling, so they could see how the product is made. DUHHH. Welcome to 2011, Dale. So that is what I have been working on. Unfortunately, 2 of the bowls I used for the video, I got a little aggressive on, and went throught the sides and bottom. Oh well, show biz.

I was also able to spend Sunday at Woodcraft where David Marks was doing a demo on turning and gilding with metal leaf and chemical patinas. You may have seen David on the DIY network where he used to have a TV show called Woodworks. It was a great demo, but I wish it could have been hands on. Tuesday is the hands on day, but I will have to miss that one. David was a really nice guy and a good presenter. Unfortunately, it ran a little long and I had to leave before then end. Every time I see a demo, I come away with something, so it was well worth the trip.

Off to try some of my ideas.

1 comment:

  1. OK, I'm officially jealous. I was going to take the class but I had to work.
