Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wood haul, and changing times

I've had my some of my work in a shop in downtown Glendale for awhile now. A few things have sold, nothing spectacular, but I was beginning to wonder if it was the right venue. It was more of a curio shop than anything else, and they had some of my pricier items. I went in there yesterday to have some engraving done, and they informed me that they were changing the format of the store. They were going to get rid of all their consignment stuff and concentrate on their cookie business. Well...problem solved, they want my stuff out after Christmas.

Well, OK, I can handle that. I wasn't sure it was the right fit anyway, it was just a start. I walked into another shop a few doors down, and immediately formed a new relationship. It is more of a "mens" curio shop, with unique gifts for men. They are interested in seeing many of my items, and I will be making an appointment next week to show them some shaving sets, etc. Keep your fingers crossed.

I also spent the day chasing down wood. I got some Sissoo and Acacia from a friend in East Mesa, and ended up getting some Alligator Juniper from my uncle who was down from the eastern part of the state.  That species of Juniper is named for it's bark, which resembles Alligator hide. It is a very soft wood, and as such, is actually hard to turn and get a good finish. Most turners don't like such soft wood, and I admit, I really don't either. However, between the smell when I am turning it, and the finished product, which I think is beautiful, it wins. At Right is a pic of a previous Alligator project I did.

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