Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pick me, Pick me!!!

Wood turners have different methods of choosing their wood stock. Some turners take a piece of wood and turn it into whatever they have in mind. Some draw out their turnings on paper first, much like and architect or engineer would to. This is especially true in segmented turning, where hundreds of small blocks of wood are glued up in a specific pattern before turning.  I knew when I put this piece on the lathe that it was going to ge a platter. What I didn't know is what rim style or detail it would have.

Yet other turners put a piece of wood on the lathe and sort of let the wood tell them what it wants to be. A rather "zen" approach, for lack of a better description.

I fall somewhere in the middle. I usually have an idea of what I want to turn, but have to wait until I get into the turning before I see what the grain is doing, if there are any flaws in the wood that will alter my design, and then I have to account for the mistakes I will make along the way.

Example, I have some pieces in the shop that are either going to be peppermills or tapered candlestick holders, depending on what happens. Others, I know for sure are going to be peppermills.

On the other hand, I have in mind a special design similar to this one. This is a bowl I turned for my best friend. He composed and played the wedding march when my wife and I got married, and this is the tune to that march. I want to do another one similar to it, but with another song, but I haven't found the right piece of wood yet. I know it is not in my wood pile. I'll just have to wait until it comes along. I don't want to compromise. I'll keep you posted on the progress of the projects.

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