I actually over prepared for the demo, that is, I had way too much to get to in the time I had allotted. I supposed that is good. I would rather have too much than to run out of things to do. This way, I have more to work on for the next time, I guess.
The piece that got the most attention was a large piece that I dyed white with shoe polish, airbrushed, then burned. In this photo, I have penciled in the music notes, but they still need to be burned. I also have to put it back on the lathe and do some finish sanding to blend the colors a little more.
I didn't sell much, but some good came out of it. My wife brought her mom and the kids to the downtown festival, and when I was in doing my demos, she found out some valuable information about being a part of the actual festival. I have put in my application for next month's show, so keep your fingers crossed.
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